Funded by BJA, the National Resource and Technical Assistance Center for Improving Law Enforcement Investigations (NRTAC) provides training and technical assistance (TTA) and resources related to conducting high-quality investigations. Subject matter experts (SMEs) will deliver TTA to meet the investigative needs of local law enforcement, prosecutors, and public safety agencies. TTA Services Include: • Comprehensive assessments and recommendations related to agencies’ existing investigative policies, practices, and resources • On site consultation services • Current research on best practices for investigating specific types of crimes • Investigative trainings • Development of investigative training curriculum • Peer to peer networking • Provide resources to develop model policies and procedures on investigations • Create tools to help agencies better track, supervise and organize investigations • Local partner agency convenings to improve coordination and information sharing on active investigations
Federal Sponsor Agency: BJA
Provider: Police Foundation
Contact Information: or (202) 833-1460