Strengthening the Relationship between Law Enforcement and Communities of Color: Developing an Agenda

Strengthening the Relationship between Law Enforcement and Communities of Color: Developing an Agenda is a summary of a forum the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) hosted with law enforcement officials, civil right activists, academic experts, community leaders, and policy makers at the Ford Foundation in New York City. This meeting focused on identifying what can be done to break the cycle of mistrust and cynicism that for too long has fractured the relationships between the law enforcement and communities of color and subverted their ability to work together to build safer communities. This publication captures the dialogue of this dynamic meeting led by Associate Attorney General Tony West, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, COPS Office Director Ronald Davis, and Reverend Al Sharpton and describes the insights learned from professionals from across the country in a concrete "agenda for action." The forum was one in a series. The National Network for Safe Communities hosted earlier forums that addressed racial reconciliation, truth telling, and police legitimacy.

Federal Sponsor Agency: COPS

Publication Date: 2014

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