Law Enforcement Cyber Center Project

The Law Enforcement Cyber Center (LECC) is designed to assist police chiefs, sheriffs, commanders, patrol officers, digital forensic investigators, detectives, and prosecutors who are investigating and preventing crimes that involve technology. The LECC also directs visitors to strategic partners who provide training, technical assistance, and access to critical information. The Cyber Center is a collaborative project of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), RAND Corporation, and the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), and is made possible by funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, at the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs. The Cyber Center was developed to enhance the awareness, expand the education, and build the capacity of justice and public safety agencies to prevent, investigate, prosecute, and respond to cyber threats and cyber crimes. It is intended to be a national resource for law enforcement and related justice and public safety entities.

Federal Sponsor Agency: BJA

Provider: IACP, RAND Corporation, and PERF

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