National Resource & Technical Assistance Center for Improving Law Enforcement Investigations

Funded by BJA, the National Resource and Technical Assistance Center for Improving Law Enforcement Investigations (NRTAC) provides training and technical assistance (TTA) and resources related to conducting high-quality investigations. Subject matter experts (SMEs) will deliver TTA to meet the investigative needs of local law enforcement, prosecutors, and public safety agencies. TTA Services Include: • Comprehensive assessments and recommendations related to agencies’ existing investigative policies, practices, and resources • On site consultation services • Current research on best practices for investigating specific types of crimes • Investigative trainings • Development of investigative training curriculum • Peer to peer networking • Provide resources to develop model policies and procedures on investigations • Create tools to help agencies better track, supervise and organize investigations • Local partner agency convenings to improve coordination and information sharing on active investigations

Federal Sponsor Agency: BJA

Provider: Police Foundation

Contact Information: or (202) 833-1460

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